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Just published: Martha Treat August 2024
Stopping Short of the Final Step
My constant refrain with clients of all the way through to completion applied directly to me a couple weeks ago. My sister-in-law Facetimed me holding up a puzzle box I had apparently sent them a few years before.
I had received the puzzle as a gift from a close friend and re-gifted to my family having not actually opened the box. As my sister-in-law opened the puzzle to begin doing it, she found a card addressed to me and a beautiful small, wrapped gift. I had a moment of forgiveness for assuming it was just puzzle pieces years before and not taking the final step of fully opening my friend’s gift.
How many times do we stop short of the final step?
- Texting and getting interrupted and not actually sending the text.
- Leaving something behind that we need for a meeting.
- Forgetting to call someone as we didn’t write it down or create a reminder.
- Not fully reading an email and responding without answering what was asked.
- Distracting ourselves by trying to do multiple actions at the same time, and not finishing.
For the most part I believe the culprit of not taking something all the way to completion is this:
Being one step ahead of ourselves, thinking we know, and then hurrying past the moment to get to the next step, thinking we don’t have time.
Our full awareness in this moment actually leads us naturally and without effort all the way through to completion and we benefit in these ways:
- We focus on one text at a time and send it.
- We naturally take with us what is needed for the meeting.
- We make the call as we write down what we agreed to in the moment we agreed to do it.
- We read an email completely and respond to what was being asked
- We allow ourselves to relax in what we are doing and naturally do one thing at a time all the way through to completion.
Stopping short of the final step is simply forgetting to slow down to our breath, that there is a relaxed natural pace if we choose, and that our full attention is one way to honor who we are.
And in my case, I missed out on receiving my friend’s gift and thanking her. Glad those final steps actually happened even if six years later. Yikes!
All the way through to completion is a practice worth choosing and in doing so, it can honor those in our lives as well as their gifts.
Martha Invitations
1. Slow down to you don't miss taking that final step.
2. Keep breathing in the doing.
3. Watch, observe and listen with your full presence to what Martha
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