What Clients are Saying
Taking Action to Completion
"Martha Ringer is the productivity coach who has helped me organize my desk and work flow. In 2 days' time, my office looked like a brand-new place, and my work flow is now clean and efficient."
Jack Canfield, Co-Creator, Chicken Soup For the Soul
"Thank you, Martha! It was a pleasure to learn with you and the practice of getting to done. I’m not yet perfect, but I’m continuously progressing and thrilled every day of what your practice has brought me."
Alexander Ritchie, Executive Director & CIO, Canadian Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
"Thanks, Martha. I could NOT do any of this work without your counsel about getting organized. And you can quote me on that! Really, I'd be drowning without a reliable way to capture and process all the "stuff" coming at me."
James Ware, CFA, The Focus Consulting Group
"It is like taking a sip out of a fire hose, but I have been working with the system all day and it is really so much fun. I am realizing that I don't really have to know every step now because as long as I stay on top of what my next actions are it will all be just fine. At the end of a challenging week I am feeling like I have a plan, know what is next and can come in with energy and confidence on Monday ready to dive back in."
Michele Reese, President, Beargrass Marketing Inc.
"It never stops amazing me how much one day with you can change the way someone feels. (following one day refresher )."
Kevin Schwab, Area VP Americas Southern Region, Marriott International
"Thank you for all the gifts you gave me in this training! I LOVE this system and how it is freeing me up. Capturing the many things I was keeping in my head and trusting the system to support me is allowing me to be present. I have a new clarity I have never experienced in my life. With this new focus I can relax and enjoy my life. I am now making the time for doing what I love, seeing the people I love and taking care of myself. I look at the experience, my time with you, and learning the system as the ultimate gift of self-care. I am excited to engage in the world with this new energy and focus. Confidence with completion makes so much sense to me now. Ahhh! So grateful and loving the experience of “fresh and current."
Donna Placio PT, MPT
"Martha Ringer has a natural gift for her work. Her skill as a productivity coach is masterful. I learned how to transfer ideas and projects in my head to paper, take the necessary next actions, and as a result experience greater peace and balance in my life."
Judy Abrams, President, Ovarian Cancer National Alliance
"Martha's process and guidance add to the breakthroughs in neuroscience. This is a real practice that works to free us from "continuous partial attention," thus creating the brain space and brain chemical balance required for our best executive brain function. With Martha's help I have seen clearly my mental models of (in)efficiency that create a sense of overload and time scarcity. Martha gently but firmly creates a new mindset and the habits to support it.."
Eddie Erlandson, EVP, Worth Ethic Corporation, MD Vascular Surgeon, Author Alpha Male Syndrome
"I now understand the value of completing actions one at a time. I used to think that multi-tasking was the effective way to work. After working with Martha and setting up my new action systems, I am back in charge and in control of my life. Multitasking is no longer my habit. This simple, powerful system works. I leave the office at the end of the day feeling complete, regardless of whatever still remains on my action lists. Letting my lists instead of my head track my actions has freed me from the stress of trying to remember what I need to do and keeps me focused on the priority."
Marie Arlt, Chief Operating Officer, Analytic Investors
"Martha lives what she teaches. She is insightful with her observations and suggestions. As a team, my staff is now making better decisions, taking action in the moment, and creating the outcomes we want, with more relaxation and cooperation. We continue to invite Martha back each year to keep us on track and to have her work with new employees. We all appreciate the impact her presence has on us individually and as a group and we are more productive with less stress as a result. ."
Everett Dowling, President, The Dowling Company, Inc.
"My "office" travels with me since Martha Ringer's coaching on the action management system. No more lost time as I move through airports, or set up in hotels, my home, or corporate offices. Eight years later, it's a habit that keeps giving me peace-of-mind because I haven't forgotten promises made to colleagues or family."
Susan Thronson, former CMO, Board Director and Strategic Advisor
"When I work with Martha, I immediately start breathing more deeply. I am participating fully in my work and life because of the actual work we have done. I find collaborating with Martha among my very favorite experiences."
Kathlyn Hendricks, CEO, Hendricks Institute
"Most work colleagues were shocked I even needed such assistance. I'm one of these "clean desk" high-performance executives. However, to keep exceeding external performance measures, I was spending more and more time at work. Martha noticed right away that I was over-organizing to handle the volume. During the two days, I practiced action instead of organization and found the key to my issue. My new action-oriented system is keeping me focused on completing, and I know how to create the balance I was seeking."
Joe Young, Sr Vice President Marketing, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc
"It's really been one year! Wow, ....Just wanted to take a minute and tell you that you have given me a new renewed enthusiasm in performing my job. The economy is getting a little better every day, and I am optimistic about the future. When the increased work load and hectic times return, I know I will really cherish this new system of organization, or as I like to think of it, as a new way to eliminate my stress. Don't get me wrong, I constantly catch myself slipping back into some bad habits, but when I get that surge of overwhelming stress making me wake up at night in a cold sweat, I just start the morning like you did with me in my office a year ago, take out my checklist, go through my folders and task lists and prioritize what is easiest to hardest, and eventually, I've recovered and am back on track feeling like I'm not letting anybody down. I appreciate what you did for me, but I just want to take this opportunity to thank you again."
David Ferret, Sr Project Manager, Architectural Glass and Aluminum
"Martha Ringer is the productivity coach who has helped me organize my desk and work flow. In 2 days' time, my office looked like a brand-new place, and my work flow is now clean and efficient."
Jack Canfield, Co-Creator, Chicken Soup For the Soul
"Thank you, Martha! It was a pleasure to learn with you and the practice of getting to done. I’m not yet perfect, but I’m continuously progressing and thrilled every day of what your practice has brought me."
Alexander Ritchie, Executive Director & CIO, Canadian Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
"Thanks, Martha. I could NOT do any of this work without your counsel about getting organized. And you can quote me on that! Really, I'd be drowning without a reliable way to capture and process all the "stuff" coming at me."
James Ware, CFA, The Focus Consulting Group
"It is like taking a sip out of a fire hose, but I have been working with the system all day and it is really so much fun. I am realizing that I don't really have to know every step now because as long as I stay on top of what my next actions are it will all be just fine. At the end of a challenging week I am feeling like I have a plan, know what is next and can come in with energy and confidence on Monday ready to dive back in."
Michele Reese, President, Beargrass Marketing Inc.
"It never stops amazing me how much one day with you can change the way someone feels. (following one day refresher )."
Kevin Schwab, Area VP Americas Southern Region, Marriott International
"Thank you for all the gifts you gave me in this training! I LOVE this system and how it is freeing me up. Capturing the many things I was keeping in my head and trusting the system to support me is allowing me to be present. I have a new clarity I have never experienced in my life. With this new focus I can relax and enjoy my life. I am now making the time for doing what I love, seeing the people I love and taking care of myself. I look at the experience, my time with you, and learning the system as the ultimate gift of self-care. I am excited to engage in the world with this new energy and focus. Confidence with completion makes so much sense to me now. Ahhh! So grateful and loving the experience of “fresh and current."
Donna Placio PT, MPT
"Martha Ringer has a natural gift for her work. Her skill as a productivity coach is masterful. I learned how to transfer ideas and projects in my head to paper, take the necessary next actions, and as a result experience greater peace and balance in my life."
Judy Abrams, President, Ovarian Cancer National Alliance
"Martha's process and guidance add to the breakthroughs in neuroscience. This is a real practice that works to free us from "continuous partial attention," thus creating the brain space and brain chemical balance required for our best executive brain function. With Martha's help I have seen clearly my mental models of (in)efficiency that create a sense of overload and time scarcity. Martha gently but firmly creates a new mindset and the habits to support it.."
Eddie Erlandson, EVP, Worth Ethic Corporation, MD Vascular Surgeon, Author Alpha Male Syndrome
"I now understand the value of completing actions one at a time. I used to think that multi-tasking was the effective way to work. After working with Martha and setting up my new action systems, I am back in charge and in control of my life. Multitasking is no longer my habit. This simple, powerful system works. I leave the office at the end of the day feeling complete, regardless of whatever still remains on my action lists. Letting my lists instead of my head track my actions has freed me from the stress of trying to remember what I need to do and keeps me focused on the priority."
Marie Arlt, Chief Operating Officer, Analytic Investors
"Martha lives what she teaches. She is insightful with her observations and suggestions. As a team, my staff is now making better decisions, taking action in the moment, and creating the outcomes we want, with more relaxation and cooperation. We continue to invite Martha back each year to keep us on track and to have her work with new employees. We all appreciate the impact her presence has on us individually and as a group and we are more productive with less stress as a result. ."
Everett Dowling, President, The Dowling Company, Inc.
"My "office" travels with me since Martha Ringer's coaching on the action management system. No more lost time as I move through airports, or set up in hotels, my home, or corporate offices. Eight years later, it's a habit that keeps giving me peace-of-mind because I haven't forgotten promises made to colleagues or family."
Susan Thronson, former CMO, Board Director and Strategic Advisor
"When I work with Martha, I immediately start breathing more deeply. I am participating fully in my work and life because of the actual work we have done. I find collaborating with Martha among my very favorite experiences."
Kathlyn Hendricks, CEO, Hendricks Institute
"Most work colleagues were shocked I even needed such assistance. I'm one of these "clean desk" high-performance executives. However, to keep exceeding external performance measures, I was spending more and more time at work. Martha noticed right away that I was over-organizing to handle the volume. During the two days, I practiced action instead of organization and found the key to my issue. My new action-oriented system is keeping me focused on completing, and I know how to create the balance I was seeking."
Joe Young, Sr Vice President Marketing, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc
"It's really been one year! Wow, ....Just wanted to take a minute and tell you that you have given me a new renewed enthusiasm in performing my job. The economy is getting a little better every day, and I am optimistic about the future. When the increased work load and hectic times return, I know I will really cherish this new system of organization, or as I like to think of it, as a new way to eliminate my stress. Don't get me wrong, I constantly catch myself slipping back into some bad habits, but when I get that surge of overwhelming stress making me wake up at night in a cold sweat, I just start the morning like you did with me in my office a year ago, take out my checklist, go through my folders and task lists and prioritize what is easiest to hardest, and eventually, I've recovered and am back on track feeling like I'm not letting anybody down. I appreciate what you did for me, but I just want to take this opportunity to thank you again."
David Ferret, Sr Project Manager, Architectural Glass and Aluminum